Thursday, August 26, 2010

No, rats aren't trapped this easily. . .

The Good
The good news is that resetting my wireless router took less time than it usually does. A wiser, or more organized, man would write down the correct settings for the router so that he didn't have to figure it out every time he moved. Clearly, I am not that man. But this time, I remembered a few things and only had to fiddle with a couple settings before I got it right. So, I have the internet drifting aimlessly through my new apartment, most likely on a sea of boxes.

The Bad
The bad news is that I still have the keys to the Bauer apartment and it is costing me several hundred dollars more to leave than I had expected. Because of the delightful kittens, we had to have the have the carpet professionally cleaned and the apartment de-flea and ticked. Not that it had fleas and ticks in the first place. I think landlords and the exterminators are in cahoots; it's quite a racket they have going there. Lord only knows what is next, I just get the impression that I am trapped. I also get the impression that I am going to have to fight tooth-and-nail for that security deposit.

The. . . Well, It's Not Ugly
MaisOui and I are moved into the new apartment. At least insofar as our stuff is here. Many thanks and various other expressions of gratitude to my co-blogger from the soccer site, his brother, and MKB's brother for their help in moving everything (Thanks to Brendar as well, for helping me move 1000+ lbs of books the day before the big move and an hour before he was going on what may have been a date). Particular thanks to "BStheTruth" for once again helping us over the course of several days. I think considering the amount of help he has given us, when he decides to move, we have to build his apartment from the ground up for him. Actually, that would be punishment for him; I am not a carpenter nor very Jesusy at all. Or maybe I am, since Jesus had to go out and find another line of work too. Point is, we got everything out of the old apartment and into the new one in less than 24 hours (old TV not withstanding), but without all their assistance, the new apartment remains in disarray. Actually, as Kate pointed out, we have yet to attempt our new routes home from work because every time we leave work, we have been going to the Bauer apartment every night to clean and the like.
I rather like this new apartment's layout. Pictures will follow, once the apartment is better constructed.

The 'Fraidy Cats
The kittens don't mind the boxes at all. They go spelunking through them all the time and seem delighted that they have plenty of obstacles on top of which to climb.
They did mind the move, however. They were quite grumpy when things started to disappear from the apartment, but only realized the full scope of their nightmare when my Lady put them into their carriers. I didn't ride in the car with them and only saw them as she carried them out. Henry was whining plaintively like the little sissy that he is; Emma was backed up as far as she could inside the case and glared at everyone and everything with baleful eyes. Once inside the apartment, Henry proceeded to hide in the closet for 6 hours, while Emma spent her first three behind the mattress propped against the wall. She came out and started exploring though; Henry did not. My darling girlfriend eventually dragged him out and placed him in his cat tower. . . where he remained for another 4 hours before eventually joining us once the bedroom was more put together. What a worthless ball of fuzz.
Mary Kate, in her infinite wisdom, decided to reward him with a drinking bowl water fountain. We haven't seen him drink from it, but he sticks his paws in it and leaves tracks all over the new floor just fine.

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